Henry Cavill, který v seriálu Netflixu hraje titulního Zaklínače, čte úryvek z knihy „Poslední přání“ (The Last Wish) v angličtině – seznamte se s textem a poslechněte si sametový hlas anglického herce. A pak jsou tu otázky týkající se poslechu pro pokročilé.
Zaklínač – The Witcher
Na kontinentu plném příšer se zkříží cesty lovce příšer, kouzelnice a princezny obdařené nadpřirozenými schopnostmi. Sága o Zaklínači od polského spisovatele Andrzeje Sapkowského si získala celosvětové uznání nejprve díky kultovní počítačové hře a nyní i díky – mezi fanoušky stejně populárnímu jako kontroverznímu – seriálu na Netflixu.
Tuto barvitou pohádku můžeme samozřejmě využít k výuce angličtiny!
I když Henry Cavill má natolik příjemný hlas a přízvuk, že je příjemné ho poslouchat i bez porozumění – a pokud známe Zaklínače, můžeme tušit, o čem je, a v angličtině je vždycky něco navíc!

Otázky k poslechu (listening), tj. čtení s porozuměním v angličtině
Tentokrát se pokusíme naučit angličtinu jinak než analýzou doslovného překladu textu. Zachyťte odpovědi na následující otázky z úryvku z knihy Zaklínač (The Witcher), čteného v angličtině:
- Who usually spotted The Whitcher first as he approached a town?
- Was Witcher in a hurry? What makes you think so?
- What was unusual about Witcher’s appearance?
- How did the fight break out?
- Why did the guards obey Witcher’s demand instead of arresting him?
Henry Cavill čte úryvky ze Zaklínačova „Posledního přání“ v angličtině (Last Wish)
Nejlépe uděláte, když si prostě poslechnete text, který Henry Cavill skvěle čte v angličtině. Úryvky ze seriálu Netflixu ve videu níže vám navíc Zaklínač pomůže porozumět textu.
Nebojte se, pokud nezachytíte všechny odpovědi hned. Níže najdete slovníček a přepis přečtených pasáží, které můžete sledovat před druhým poslechem nebo po něm.
Slovníček úryvků z knihy „Poslední přání“ ze ságy Zaklínač (The Witcher), kterou Henry Cavill čte v angličtině
Tentokrát jsem se rozhodl nepřekládat celý text. Jelikož je však text poměrně pokročilý, uvádím níže slovníček s každým obtížnějším slovem, které se chystá Henry Cavill prolistovat při čtení úryvků ze Zaklínače (The Witcher), konkrétně z knihy Poslední přání (The Last Wish).
První díl Zaklínače
- noticed – všiml
- striped tomcat shuddered – pruhovaná kočka se zachvěla
- stack of wood – hromada dřeva
- hissed and bolted off into the nettles – zasyčel a odběhl do kopřiv
- hut’s threshold – práh chaty (possessive ‚s)
- he fixed his tearful eyes on the passing rider – upřel uslzené oči na projíždějícího jezdce.
- ride-rode-ridden – jezdit (nepravidelné sloveso)
- overtake the hay-cart obstructing the road – předjet vůz se senem, který překáží na silnici.
- laden donkey trotted – naložený osel klusal
- pommel – nánožník, sedlový luk
- to lug – přenášet
- saddlecloth – sedlářská tkanina
- flanks of the ass – boky zadku (ano, ano, to je to, co slovo ass původně znamená!)
- streak – pruh, kapela

Druhý úryvek čtený v angličtině z knihy Poslední přání (Last Wish) ze Zaklínače (The Witcher)
- beneath – starý tvar below = under
- a worn leather jerkin laced up at the neck – obnošená kožená kazajka se šněrováním u krku.
- strapped – připoutaný
- quiver – chvění
- piercing the innkeeper with his gaze – Pronikání hostinského pohledem
- tankard – kovový tankard s víkem

Třetí úryvek ze Zaklínače v angličtině
- pockmark – jizva po neštovicích, lepra
- diagonally – diagonálně
- to curl up – schoulit se, vyhnout se
- sheath – pochva meče
- glisten – lesk
- dim light – tlumené světlo
- to seethe -vřít
- to tumble – padat, klopýtat
- earthenware smacked hollowly – hliněné nádoby dutě mlaskaly
- slashed – pořezaný, znetvořený
- to writhe – kroutit se, kroutit se
- puddle – louže
- thuds and clangs – hřmění a řinčení, zvuky a bzučení
- truncheon – obušek, palcát
- thug – zločinec
- swiftly – rychle, živě
- clout-nails, studs – cvočky
- to dar – šipkovat, házet (se) [darts jsou šipky].
- castellan – kastelán
- mumble – mumlat, blábolit
- tentatively – nejistě, zkoumavě
- hastily – spěšně
Henry Cavill čte Zaklínače v angličtině – druhý poslech
Nyní, když znáte většinu obtížných slovíček, poslechněte si Henryho Cavilla ještě jednou a zjistěte, zda jste si jisti, že znáte správné odpovědi na otázky:
Přepis úryvků z filmu Zaklínač, které čte Henry Cavill v angličtině
Nyní si naopak můžete sami dohledat text, který v angličtině přečetl sametový hlas zaklínače Henryho Cavilla z Netflixu:
As usual, cats and children noticed him first. A striped tomcat sleeping on a sun-warmed stack of wood, shuddered, raised his round head, pulled back his ears, hissed and bolted off into the nettles. Three-year-old Dragomir, fisherman Trigla’s son, who was sitting on the hut’s threshold doing his best to make dirtier an already dirty shirt, started to scream as he fixed his tearful eyes on the passing rider.
The witcher rode slowly, without trying to overtake the hay-cart obstructing the road. A laden donkey trotted behind him, stretching its neck and constantly pulling the cord tied to the witcher’s pommel tight. In addition to the usual bags, the long-eared animal was lugging a large shape, wrapped in a saddlecloth, on its back. The gray-white flanks of the ass were covered with black streaks of dried blood.

The stranger was not old but his hair was almost entirely white. Beneath his coat he wore a worn leather jerkin laced up at the neck and shoulders. As he took off his coat, those around him noticed that he carried a sword — not something unusual in itself, nearly every man in Wyzim carried a weapon — but no one carried a sword strapped to his back as if it were a bow or a
The stranger did not sit at the table with the few other guests. He remained standing at the counter, piercing the innkeeper with his gaze. He drew from the tankard.

“We’ll give you a hand,” the pockmarked man hissed. He knocked the tankard from the stranger’s hand and simultaneously grabbing him by the shoulder, dug his fingers into the leather strap which ran diagonally across the outsider’s chest. One of the men behind him raised a fist to strike. The outsider curled up on the spot, throwing the pockmarked man off balance.
The sword hissed in its sheath and glistened briefly in the dim light. The place seethed. There was a scream, and one of the few remaining customers tumbled toward the exit. A chair fell with a crash and earthenware smacked hollowly against the floor. The innkeeper, his lips trembling, looked at the horribly slashed face of the pocked man, who, clinging with his fingers to the
edge of the counter, was slowly sinking from sight. The other two were lying on the floor, one motionless, the other writhing and convulsing in a dark, spreading puddle. A woman’s hysterical scream vibrated in the air, piercing the ears as the innkeeper shuddered, caught his breath, and vomited.
The stranger retreated toward the wall, and alert. He held the sword in both hands, sweeping the blade through the air. No one moved. Terror, like cold mud, was clear on their faces, paralyzing limbs and blocking throats. Three guards rushed into the tavern with thuds and clangs. They must have been close by. They had truncheons wound with leather straps at the
ready, but at the sight of the corpses, drew their swords.

The Rivian pressed his back against the wall and, with his left hand, pulled a dagger from his boot.
“Throw that down!” one of the guards yelled with a trembling voice. “Throw that down, you thug! You’re coming with us!”
The second guard kicked aside the table between himself and the Rivian.
“Go get the men, Treska!” he shouted to the third guard, who had stayed closer to the door.
“No need,” said the stranger, lowering his sword. “I’ll come by myself.”
“You’ll go, you son of a bitch, on the end of a rope!” yelled the trembling guard. “Throw that sword down or I’ll smash your head in!”
The Rivian straightened. He quickly pinned his blade under his left arm and with his right hand raised toward the guards, swiftly drew a complicated sign in the air. The clout-nails which studded his tunic from his wrists to elbows flashed.
The guards drew back, shielding their faces with their arms. One of the customers sprang up while another darted to the door. The woman screamed again, wild and earsplitting.
“I’ll come by myself,” repeated the stranger in his resounding, metallic voice. “And the three of you will go in front of me. Take me to the castellan. I don’t know the way.”
“Yes, sir,” mumbled the guard, dropping his head. He made toward the exit, looking around tentatively. The other two guards followed him out backward, hastily. The stranger followed in their tracks, sheathing his sword and dagger.
As they passed the tables, the remaining customers hid their faces from the dangerous stranger.

Odpovědi na otázky k poslechu s Henrym Cavillem a Zaklínačem (The Witcher)
- Who usually spotted The Whitcher first as he approached a town?
It were usually cats and children who spotted him first.
- Was Witcher in a hurry? What makes you think so?
He apparently was not in a hurry as he did not even try to overtake the slow cart obstructing the road in front of him.
- What was unusual about Witcher’s appearance?
He had a sword strapped to his back like a quiver.
- How did the fight break out?
The pockmarked man knocked tankard from Witcher’s hand and attacked him.
- Why did the guards obey Witcher’s demand instead of arresting him?
Witcher made a magic trick, his studs started to emit lights, so the guards got scared of his magical abilities.

Mluvte anglicky jako Henry Caville ze Zaklínače!
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Líbil se vám tento úryvek z knihy Andrzeje Sapkowského v českém překladu? Nebo to bylo příliš složité?